Summer Training (summer camp) occurs in July and August of every training year ranging from 2 to 7 weeks in length. Various courses are offered across the 23 Cadet Training Centres (CTC) and Cadet Flying Training Centres (CFTC) across Canada focusing on different subject areas of the Cadet Program. The training and transportation to and from the CTC/CFTC are provided free of charge by the DND. Each cadet are also provided a training bonus for undergoing summer training.
Through Summer Training, successful cadets are able to earn their Glider Pilot Licence and Power Pilot License issued by Transport Canada.
Will this be your first time?
Please check out the summer camp briefing video (provided here or on YouTube) to provide some information regarding what is required from you in order to be successful at a CTC:
It is important though to head over to the Joining Instructions (JIs) to read what is required for you. The video will be mentioning topics in the JIs.
DISCLAIMER: Please be advised information is published in June 2019; any updates for future will not be modified; however, general information should be relatively the same.